Can a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) aide with Contractor Hiring?

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a signed agreement used by businesses to protect confidential information.  From sharing confidential information with employees to presenting an offer to a potential investor, there is a multitude of scenarios where signing an...

I Need My New Hire to Start Tomorrow… Is it Possible?

In our last post, we covered the importance of an on-demand talent pool. A significant criterion for such a pool to work is that there should be an easy way to get a new hire through the door. Often at very short notice. However, some jobs require clearance before...

Commercial Advice: How to develop the right Acceptance Criteria

The Commercial profession has one serious disadvantage. Unlike accounting & law, there isn’t an agreed and universal body of knowledge that drives Commercial advice. Any Commercial advice you receive in the course of your business may sound reasonable and...

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