How to Stop Losing Contractors Before Their Start Date

Picture this scenario. You’ve just offered your preferred contractor a job (which they’ve duly accepted) after investing your time in reviewing their CV and interviewing them. You’ve even rejected a few other suitable candidates as this candidate was so great. A job...

4 Ways to Change the Perception of the Procurement Profession

We recently ran a poll on LinkedIn. We asked the network how they really felt about meeting someone from the Procurement profession. Over 2,700 saw our poll, but only 21 brave souls felt safe in sharing their views. We can’t help but imagine that had a non-Procurement...

What is Collaborative Contracting? [And why is it so useful?]

For a long time, it has been considered a misnomer to refer to contracting as a collaboration. Thus, historically, the concept of ‘collaborative contracting’ didn’t exist. However, in reality, ‘contracting’ and ‘collaboration’ go hand in hand. Today, there is mounting...

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